Saturday, February 24, 2007

WCASA Open Water Entry Forms Available

The entry forms for the events on the 7th/8th July at Greenhill are now online.

Click on the event under the Events -> Open Water to bring up a window with the form.

Note that the 10K event has one entry form, the 5K and 3K/1.5K is a joint entry form.

The flyer for the event is viewable here.

WCASA Open Water Events 2007

The WCASA swims at Greenhill have been announced.

There is a 10k swim on Saturday 7th July, a 5k on Sunday 8th July in the morning and then a joint 3k / 1.5k event in the afternoon.

I'll post the entry form and more details when I have them.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Echo Article

There was an excellent article in yesterday's Dorset Echo about Linda Ashmore and her preparations for an English Channel attempt later this year.

The article can currently be seen online here.

She is hoping to raise sponsorship for a clean water pump for an African village.

If you would like to sponsor Linda, you can contact her at

Monday, February 19, 2007

Weymouth Lions Swimarathon

This year's competition is on the 10th and 11th March at Weymouth & Portland Pool.

We are planning to enter several teams; let Julia or Kate know if you are interested. The event is for charity and so we all donate an entry fee.

The format consists of teams of six swimming a continuous relay of 50m legs for 55 minutes.

The winners in each category are those who complete the highest number of legs in the allowed time.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Open Water Events Added

I've added some information and links for open water events.

We traditionally take part in the Exmouth Fairway Buoy swim and the Torbay event looks interesting too.

I'm planning to do the ILDSA Clew Bay and can provide accommodation if anyone else wants to take part - relatives in the area and cheap flights available.

I did the Irish Senior Championships at Lough Erne last year as a warm up for my Channel swim - excellent race at 10.75 miles and a nice area to visit. Planning to do it again this year.

Rachel did the BLDSA Championships last year - 11 miles in Windermere. This is a popular event and is usually oversubscribed so get those entries in early.

You need to be a BLDSA member to take part in their events and an ILDSA member for theirs - links to these organisations available under Links!

Last Year's Valentine Results Available

See Valentine Gala -> 2006 -> Results.

Thanks to Jean and Phil Glover for providing these.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Valentine Gala Results

The results from Sunday's Gala are now available under Valentine Gala -> 2007 -> Results.

A PDF version is also available for download on that page.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Valentine Gala Photos

Several photos of competing teams are now available under both the Valentine Gala and Photos menus left.

Results will be published as soon as I receive them, hopefully by this weekend.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Successful Valentine Gala

The 2007 Weyport Masters Valentine Gala was held yesterday at Weymouth swimming pool and saw a larger number of heats than last year's event.

Race results will be available here by next weekend and a photo gallery of some of the competing teams will also be published.

Above is a picture of the host team, Weyport Masters.

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