Monday, March 26, 2007

Pam White Memorial Cup

The Pam White Memorial Cup was presented to this year's recipient Nick Ireland at Wednesday night training by Club Chairman Paul Mason.

Monday, March 19, 2007

GB Biathle Race at Millfield

Yesterday was the first race in this year's GB Biathle Series and was held at Millfield School, Street. (A biathle is a continuous run-swim-run event)

A couple of Weyport Masters took part. Carole Smith got the gold for 1st place in the Ladies Masters B race and Nick Ireland grabbed silver for a 2nd position in the Male Masters A.

The next local event is at Weymouth on the 30th June at Greenhill.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Guernsey Gala Closing Date

Entries to the annual Guernsey International Masters Gala close on Monday 19th.

Get those entries in now!

Website Updates

I've added a list of committee members and also the club's constitution under Club Info.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Weymouth Lions Swimarathon Update

The Sunday 11th March session has been cancelled due to lack of entries.

Our club has four slots at 3pm on Saturday 10th.

Contact Julia or Kate ASAP if you'd like to take part.

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