Wednesday, November 21, 2007

CS&PF Channel Swimming Results 2007 Posted

For the 2007 swim season the CS&PF had 144 1-way crossings attempted of which 111 were successful (77% success rate).

These were made up of ...

92 Solo swim attempts - 59 successful - 33 unsuccessful - 64% success rate
27 Standard relay - 27 successful -- 100% success rate
3 Standard 2-way relay - 3 successful -- 100% success rate
1 Standard 4-way relay - 1 successful -- 100% success rate
15 Special category relay - 15 successful -- 100% success rate

The "special" relay teams breakdown was ...

1 x 2 person
1 x 3 person
6 x 4 person
6 x 5 person
1 x 8 person

To date the Federation has had 252 successful Solo swims.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

ASA South West Open Water 2008

The usual open water races will be held on the 5th & 6th July 2008 at Greenhill, Weymouth.

ASA South West Masters Events 2008

The dates for the 2008 galas have been published.

20th April @ Millfield - 200m/400m events.
28th June @ Gloucester - 1500m
28th September @ Horfield (tbc) - sprints.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Inter-County Result

At yesterday's ASA South West Inter-County Masters meet, Dorset came third behind winners Devon and second placed Wiltshire.

We were second last year; quite a few first choice swimmers were unavailable either through other commitments or injury yesterday.

Next year's event is to be held on Sunday 16th November, venue to be decided.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Dorset County ASA Masters Championships - Details

The entry forms for next year's events on the 24th February and 9th March have been published.

You can obtain it in PDF format by going to Events -> Pool and clicking on the event details or download it directly from here.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Membership Fees

Fees for 2008 are now due.

Categories are Competitive or Non-Competitive at £30 or £25 respectively.

The forms are available under Club Info -> Membership or click the links above.

Julia has copies available at training too.

Valentine Gala 2008

The Valentine Gala is being held on Sunday 3rd February 2008 at Weymouth swimming pool.

The entry form can be downloaded directly from here or the Events -> Pool page.

I've also added the dates of the other galas I know about there.

Dorset County ASA Masters Championships

For the past few years the DCASA Masters Championship was held as part of our own Valentine Gala. They were last run as a standalone event in their own right back in 1998.

For 2008 it has been decided that they will run again over two galas. Initial details are shown below - more information will be posted when I have it.

Proposed dates and venues are as follows:

Sunday 24 February - Bridport (Warm-up 1pm for 1.30pm start, cards by 12.30pm)
Sunday 9 March - Rossmore (Warm-up 1pm for 1.30pm start, cards by 12.30pm)

Proposed programme of events:

All 50m, 100m and 200m events plus 400m freestyle and single sex/mixed freestyle and medley relays for 120 yrs and 180 yrs age groups.

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