Monday, January 28, 2008

Christmas Harbour Swim Videos

Rachel has provided two YouTube links for videos of the 2007 harbour swim.

They are


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dorset Masters Championships

The entries closing date for this year's new Dorset Masters Championships has been extended to Saturday 2nd February.

The entry form and gala dates are available under Events -> Pool.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Valentine Gala Raffle Prizes

The Club needs raffle prizes for the Valentine Gala so dig out all those unwanted Christmas presents, bring them along to training and hand them to a committee member.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Events Updated

I've updated the pool based events list and added additional entry forms where available.

Important dates to note are ...

The Dorset ASA Championships on the 24th February & 9th March have a closing date of Saturday 26th January.

The Guernsey International Masters from Friday 14th March -> Sunday 16th March has a closing date of Tuesday 12th February.

The Royal Navy Gala at Yeovilton (on Sunday 6th April this year) is usually well attended by our club and as a bonus includes 400m and 200m f/s events, ideal if you plan on competing in the South West ASA races over these distances two weeks later at Millfield on the 20th April.

The closing date for the RN Gala is Friday 14th March. The closing date for the ASA Gala is Friday 31st March.

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