Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Exmouth Fairway Buoy Swim Update

The race start time on the entry form is incorrect.

The event will start at 9:45am, not 10:45am.

Several of the club have entered this already - the field is limited to 40 swimmers this year and waiting to enter until near the closing date is likely to mean you'll get refused - it was oversubscribed last year.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Valentine Gala 2008 Results

The results from Sunday's gala are now available from Valentine Gala -> 2008 -> Results and also in PDF form from a link on that page.

Photos will be uploaded once I get them.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Exmouth Fairway Buoy Swim 2008

This year's swim is on Sunday 1st June; the entry form is available under Events -> Open Water.
(Apologies for the quality - I got it from the BLDSA website and it looks like it was scanned in)

We normally send a strong team to this race and it's a good warm up for the South West ASA Championships in July at Greenhill.

The closing date is Monday 26th May but it is advisable to enter well before then - they were oversubscribed last year and I believe there's a limit of 40 entrants this year.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Valentine Gala

The results and photos from today's gala will be posted as soon as they are available.

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