Thursday, June 26, 2008

Poole Masters Gala

This year's gala is on Saturday 4th October at Rossmore.

I'll upload the entry form to the events page - closing date for entries is 13th September.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The ASA South East Masters is on Saturday 20th September up at Guildford - 50m -> 200m in all strokes. The entry forms can be found at

Also, the Guernsey International masters entry forms are out already. It's on 3rd -> 5th April 2009 at the usual venue. See

Thursday, June 05, 2008


For those of us who run as well as swim, there are numerous aquathons running this summer both in Weymouth and also Bournemouth.

There are three in Bournemouth on Wednesday evenings starting at 7pm - 25th June, 23rd July & 20th August. These races have a short or long option - short is a 400m swim and 4k run. Long is double these distances. Entry details can be found at

There are also seven aquathons being run at Bowleaze Cove - the first six are qualifiers for the final on Sunday 24th August. The first six are on Wednesday nights every week from the 9th July. Distances vary with each race but are some combination of either a 400m or 800m swim and a 5k or 10k run. Entry details for these are at

Monday, June 02, 2008

Exmouth Swim

Before yesterday's Fairway Buoy swim ...

and after ...

We all had good swims over a brand new course which was slightly longer than the one we were used to.

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