Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lots more photos added

I've added all the photos with any connection to our club onto the site and in the process organised things so I can add additional photos very easily.

If you've got any more that I can put up, please send them to me.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pool Fees 2009

Due to several increases in pool charges, pool fees will increase for the first time since 2005 from the 1st January 2009.

Per session fees will increase by 50p to £3.50.

The Wednesday night 10 week option will now be £25.

Both still represent good value I think you'll agree.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Membership Fees Due

Membership fees of £30 for competitive and £25 for non-competitive swimmers are now due.

These are the same cost as last year.

Note that because of insurance issues, these must be paid by 20th December else you won't be allowed to swim after this date.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Biathle World Champion!

Last Saturday saw the 10th annual Biathle World Championships which this year were held in Cape Town, South Africa.

Our club had three members competing and they all came away with a medal.

Ian Hughes hit the front in the Masters B category from the start and maintained that position through both runs and the swim. He held on to take the gold medal from a closing South African athlete.

Carole Smith had tough competition in the her Masters B race and found it difficult to stay with another of the strong host team but managed to win a strong silver medal, easily beating the bronze medalist.
Nick Ireland was down the field after the first run but came out of the swim in fourth position and then had a shoulder to shoulder race over the last 1km for the 3rd/4th places, finally taking the bronze medal on the line.

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