Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Weymouth Bay Swim

The British Heart Foundation swim from the Pavilion to the Pier Bandstand will take place on Sunday 9th August at 9:30am.

You can register on the day (from 8am) or online at www.bhf.org.uk/events.

National Inter-County Masters

This year's meet is scheduled for Sunday 15th November.

Roger Gutteridge will be selecting the team again.

If you want to be considered, email him at roger.guttridge@btopenworld.com

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

ASA South West Open Water 2009

This year's events went ahead in hot weather, 16 degree water and a strongish wind which made the swims slightly uncomfortable.

We had two swimmers in Saturday's 10km event - Linda Ashmore & Nick Ireland.

Both finished ahead of the cut-off time of four hours and won the Western Counties and Dorset ASA Cups.

Kate Mason swam the 5km on Sunday morning and came away with a shield and gold medal.

Bob Roberts took part in the 1.5km event in the afternoon; the results aren't on the ASA web site so I don't yet know how he did.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

ASW South West Open Water

This weekend sees the annual open water championships off Greenhill, Weymouth.

The 10km race kicks off at 1pm on Saturday with the 5km on Sunday morning and the combined 3km/1.5km on Sunday afternoon.

Hopefully the weather will be OK this year and it won't get cancelled.

Looking good so far ...

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