Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Alternative Swim Sessions

Whilst Weymouth swimming pool is closed, avail yourself of the Masters sessions held by West Dorset Warriors.

They are 8:30pm to 10pm on Monday and Thursday nights at the Thomas Hardye Leisure Centre in Dorchester.

Coach is Dave Hewitt and the cost is £3.40 payable to the front desk - you don't have to be a member of Warriors to take part.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Weymouth swimming pool closed

Both pools have closed due to a serious boiler failure.

There is no indication of when it may reopen; rumour is that the boiler requires replacement and that may take weeks.

Both the Weymouth Council site and that of SLM (who manage the pool) have similar notices about the closure; click on the links to get updated information.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lough Erne Entry Form

The entry form for this year's ILDSA 17km race is available on the open water events page.

Linda and myself are taking part so far; if you want more information on the swim, accommodation etc. speak to me as I've done it twice before.

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