Saturday, February 05, 2011


Dear All

Just to advise that there is a small amount of development funding available for any Dorset Master who is attending a Masters training course, camp or stroke clinic (pool / open water / tri-athlon).

There is a total of £250 available in £50 bursaries.

If you would like to access funding please could you contact me for an application form, and provide details of the course/camp you are attending.

If you are looking for a Masters specific event there are a number of warm-weather camps available. Try the following links:

There are also a small number of UK based clinics which you should be able to track down through a search engine.

best wishes
Di Gibbs

Masters Championships

Quick reminder that you have one month before the closing date of Masters County Champs 2011 to submit your entries.

Closing date is midday Saturday 5 March 2011.

Please note that due to the very high cost of pool hire this year and the pool provider's requirement of two weeks notice of cancellation to avoid penalties, we will need to review very quickly after the closing date whether this event is financially viable or not. Therefore:

* The closing date cannot be extended as in previous years

* A decision will be taken on Monday 7 March as to whether the event is financially viable

* 260 individual entries are required to break-even on this event - I currently have 29

Last year we had 240 entries, but that was only achieved by extending the closing date twice. So - PLEASE - if you don't want to lose this competition and would like to enter, do that sooner rather than later.

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